Sunday, November 2, 2014

Cottage Cheese Pie - Week 43

Family traditions are shared with others by sharing recipes.

After my family and friends found out about my pie challenge, I received phone calls, mail, and messages encouraging me or giving me new ideas.  Interestingly within a matter of a couple of weeks, I had two separate ladies tell me about their family's favorite pies. It was the cottage cheese pie. I honestly don't recall ever having a slice of this pie even though I knew  these families well growing up.

As a child, I spent a lot of time at my neighbor's home. In fact my neighbor Hap had nicknamed me "Breezy" because I breezed in and out. I would visit them several times during a typical summer day. I knew Esther's kitchen well. Actually, I knew where she kept the cake pan and would help myself. Once I slipped up, and helped myself while my mom was visiting at the same time. My mom was surprised that my manners were so poor that I commonly helped myself to a slice of cake or an oatmeal raisin cookie. Hap and Esther were more than just neighbors, they were like family; so Esther told my mom that it was alright that I helped myself, and I did it all the time. To this day, Esther reminds my mom of how comfortable I was at her house, and gives a hearty laugh when she recalls how embarrassed my mom was.

So, I was surprised to hear that this was one of Esther's pies, and I never remembered having a slice (I must have been too busy eating cake and cookies).

Another family friend told me about this recipe that her grandma made. Her grandma had commonly brought pies to the monthly church potluck, but I can't recall this pie.

When I began seeking the recipe, I found it in the Stuttgart cookbook submitted by another grandma of another friend. This pie definitely slipped by in my youth, but now I have made it. It must be a regional pie of sorts because while I enjoyed it, it was different than what I can ever recall having.

Now, to the recipe. The recipe didn't list a quantity of raisins or cinnamon; so add what you are comfortable with. I knew my son would prefer less raisins; so I only used a small box; I think a larger quantity would be better.

1 bottom pastry shell
2 eggs, beaten
2 T. flour
¾ cups sugar
1 (5oz) small can evaporated milk
1-1/2 cups cottage cheese

Mix together eggs, flour, sugar, evaporated milk, and cottage cheese. Sprinkle raisins and a little cinnamon on top. Bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes or until knife placed in center comes out clean. 

Can you think of a recipe that you commonly fix 
that many of your family and friends don't know about?
It may be the time to share and make new memories.

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