Friday, March 14, 2014

Red Hot Apple Pie - Week 10 (Pi Day)

It's that time of the year when nerdy mathematicians and nerdy pie bakers get to geek out together.  

Emily Hilliard from, a pie blog

The calendar said 3-14, and we celebrated with a great PIE!
I chose the Red Hot Apple Pie to fix. This pie reminded me of my mother-in-law's Cinnamon Rings that she cans from cucumbers, which are definitely a favorite at holiday dinners! If you haven't had a chance to try these delicious pickles then you've been missing out.

I actually love math, and my middle son is a Math major at FHSU on track to be a Math teacher in just a few years.  Surprisingly, he is the only person I know that doesn't like pie. Yes, you heard that right! However, he has been home a couple times this year and he has tried some of my pies with an open mind; so he may change his mind before this year is over. I plan on giving it my best shot before the year is over to find a favorite pie for him.

6 cups of sliced "Pink Lady" apples.
This variety held its shape and had a nice tart flavor
along with the sweet red hots.
I actually made two of these pies. One to keep at home, and one that I shared with my co-workers. One of my co-workers had secretly told another co-worker before he tried the pie that he probably wouldn't eat more than a bite or two because he had never ate a slice of apple pie before because he doesn't like the taste. After he ate his entire slice of pie, he declared that he "had never ate a slice of apple pie before", and that this was pretty good. What we found out, he must have never tried homemade pie from fresh apples, and pies made from canned pie filling were the real reason he didn't think he liked apple pie. I think if this pie could make him decide that he like apple pie, we can find a pie for my son that he will enjoy!


1 deep dish Double Pastry Pie crust
6 cups, peeled, sliced tart apples
1 cup Sugar
3 T. Flour
2 T. Butter
1/4 cup cinnamon candies
1 T. lemon juice

Mix apples, sugar, and flour. Turn apple mixture into bottom crust. Dot with butter and cinnamon candies. Drizzle on lemon juice. Top with remaining pastry with a standard top crust or lattice top. Make large slits in the crust to allow steam to escape while baking. Bake for 45 minutes at 425 degrees, or until apples are tender. Place cookie sheet underneath to catch any bubbling liquid from pie.

I believe this pie is a game-changer. It was unbelievably tasty and far-exceeded my expectations. I have a feeling that this will stay in my recipe box for years to come and may be just the pie to get others to be an apple pie fan.

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