Monday, March 17, 2014

Colcannon Pie - Week 11 Bonus Pie

Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,

Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me. 

St. Patrick

March 17th is the day that is celebrated around the world as St. Patrick's Day. The day where many insist they have Irish in their blood, and wear green, drink green beer, and participate in parades. My husband claims that our lineage is "English, Irish and Arithmetic"; so I usually fix an Irish meal of Corned Beef and Cabbage. This year, I decided to find an Irish pie. I found the Colcannon Pie, which consists of the Irish traditional dish of mashed potatoes and cabbage or kale served as a pie. The dish must be so popular that Mary Black, an Irish folk singer, even recorded the traditional Irish tune of the same name. 

I do want to share the reason that St. Patrick's day has international significance. The day honors a saint that lived during the 5th century that was a Christian missionary to Ireland. It is believed that he used the shamrock to illustrate the teaching of three persons in one God. So next time, you see the colorful green clover you can imagine how St. Patrick would travel across Ireland and pick a shamrock and tell the people about the Holy Trinity.  How awesome is that?

Back to the Colcannon Pie. The recipe has a little bit of everything in it making it an interesting combination of flavors. However, it still tastes like potatoes and cabbage, so if you're not a fan of those, you probably won't like this dish.  It turned out pretty decent, but calling it a pie is a stretch because it is better served with a spoon because it doesn't hold together well to serve as slices.  I chose a 10" skillet dish to bake it in because I don't think it would have squeezed in the 9" pie plate like the original recipe listed.  I suppose you could use an actual crust to help hold it together, but I just didn't see a need for a crust for such a starchy dish.  I was surprised at the yellow color, but after I remembered that I bought the tasty Yukon Golds, I understood why it turned out so golden.

1/2 head small green cabbage (from a 1-1/2 to 2 lb whole cabbage)
2 pounds potatoes
5 T. butter, divided
1/2 cup, chopped green onions
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 dill pickles, diced
1 large, lightly beaten
1 cup sour cream
1 cup cheese, grated
Salt and Pepper to taste


Chop cabbage in 1/2" pieces. Steam cabbage over boiling water, just until tender; 15 minutes.

Peel and quarter potatoes. Boil potatoes and cook until tender, 25-30 minutes.

Drain potatoes and mash with 3 T. of butter. 

Stir in cabbage, green onions, garlic, salt  and pepper. 

Cool to warm and stir in egg, sour cream, and cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste. 

Melt remaining 2 T. of butter. Brush pie plate with some of the butter and spread potato mixture evenly in plate and brush with remaining butter. 

Bake until golden, about 35 minutes. Let stand before serving.

Note: Pie may be assembled 1 day ahead. Cool completely, then cover and chill. Bake pie for 45 minutes. You may substitute kale for the cabbage.

Whether you ate corned beef or planted your potatoes, I hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day. Next year, when you see this holiday approaching on the calendar, you can remember the blessing that God gave us when St. Patrick shared with the people of Ireland the colorful shamrock to illustrate the Holy Trinity.

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