Sunday, September 7, 2014

Pink Lemonade Freeze Pie - Week 34

Enjoy the last taste of summer with the 
crisp taste of Pink Lemonade Freeze Pie.

Lemonade is a favorite summertime drink for many. When I was young, I was convinced that the pink lemonade was a better quality lemonade rather than the plain lemonade. It had been years since I thought about the difference between the two. And, with the help of the internet, I found out that I was mistaken in my youth. Typically, the only difference is the addition of food coloring. Sometimes, the addition of red fruit juice may be added, but commonly the pink hue is the result of food coloring.

This time, when I purchased the frozen pink lemonade and made my pie. I was surprised at how yellow the mix was; so I added some pink food coloring to enhance the pink color. Either the color is not as I remember it or they are getting stingy with the food coloring when packaging the product.

I found this recipe deep in my recipe box where I had copied it out when I was pregnant with my first-born and I must have been craving the sweet lemonade flavor. I don't recall ever making this in the past 22 years; so I must have never had the craving again. Now, I've made it, and while it's good, I don't think I will be making it again.

1 prepared graham cracker crust
1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
6 oz can frozen pink lemonade, thawed
8 oz whipped topping, thawed
Red or pink food coloring, optional

Mix condensed milk and lemonade together. Add whipped topping and food coloring (optional) until well blended. Pour into crust and freeze well.

Summer is at its end. 
How will you get it to stretch into the Fall season?

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