Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bacon Apple Pie- Week 1

It's the first day of the new year and I've baked the first pie for my Easy as Pie Challenge: The Bacon Apple Pie! I actually found the idea from the Loveless Cafe in Nashville, TN. They actually had a recipe provided, but after some research, I modified it to fit my needs.

Even though this may not be everyone's favorite. I knew this would be a strong contender in our home....because Bacon makes everything better! The list of things that are better with bacon is long; think: cheeseburgers, sandwiches, broccoli salad, footloose, and now, PIE!

For this pie, I used Jonagold; and some high-quality bacon from Ellinwood Packing. I had sent my husband to get the bacon, and he brought home 2 1/2 pounds of bacon instead of the pound that I requested. Did I tell you that he thinks bacon is awesome? He actually makes a very good Bacon Chili.

I've always enjoyed the woven top pie crusts, and bacon is a super way to achieve that woven top.

This is is a glimpse of the pie looked before it baked in the oven.

We thought the pie was great. A nice blend of salty and savory with the sweetness of the apples.  We also indulged before dinner and it was very filling. Beforehand, I was concerned that it would be too greasy, but it wasn't. And I even was able to swab some of the oil with a paper towel right after it came out of the oven. It would be a perfect complement to homemade ice cream. 

1 deep dish Pastry Pie Crust
6 c apples,, peeled, cored & sliced
¾ c. brown sugar
¾ c. flour
2 t. pumpkin pie spice
12 slices bacon (lean)

Mix sugar, flour, spices in small bowl. Toss with apples and place in unbaked shell. Starting at center of pie, spread uncooked bacon slices and weave 6 horizontal and 5 vertical. Trim bacon slices to outer edge, and gently roll ends into crust for bacon shrinkage.Place foil underneath pie plate in oven for overflow.
Bake 55 minutes at 350 degrees covered with foil.
Bake another 25-30 minutes at 425 degrees uncovered.
May use a paper towel to absorb extra grease after baking.

You can get a printable copy of the recipe here. Happy New Year and Happy Baking!


  1. I never thought to use bacon or pumpkin pie spice in an apple pie. I will run this by boss man. Keep the recipes coming!

    1. I use the pumpkin pie spice as a shortcut because it is easier to keep fresh on hand rather than the 4 different spices (nutmeg, ginger, allspice, and cinnamon) that it contains. Unfortunately, for your boss man, the main ingredient is cinnamon; so it may still not be a winner.
