Thursday, November 6, 2014

Apple Pie in an Apple - Week 43 Bonus

Apple pie fun can be found in small packages.

This year presented me the opportunity to make extra treats to share with my neighbors. I have a single neighbor gal that I figured would appreciate a small package rather than a full pie. After I had taken these out of the oven, I took it over to her house still warm. She exclaimed that the smell was great. Nothing can beat the smell of apples and cinnamon!

I had found a blog that a family that would choose a pie recipient each week. I thought it was a great idea. So, I had great plans to share my pies. I shared about 20 pies this year, but then life got in the way, and I didn't  share as many as the year continued. I truly admire the dedication of the family that shared their pies because I really think we need more of that caring loving attitude with our neighbors.  (At this time, I can't locate this particular blog, but when I do I will provide a link and give them credit for inspiring me.)

I hope to continue to reach out to friends, family, and neighbors with gifts from the heart in the years to come. Unfortunately it is an uncommon gesture in today's society. One time, when I appeared on my neighbor's doorstep with a fresh pie with a short explanation; she offered to buy it with the notion that I was selling my pie. No, I just wanted to share with my neighbors.

The process for scooping out the inside was a little tricky. I used a melon baller to get the fleshy fruit from deep inside. It wasn't easy to to keep from puncturing the skin so the apple would stay intact when baking. I am sure the next time I can take the time to be more careful.

4 Apples (tart)
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 t. cinnamon
½ t. salt
Pie crust dough

Remove the tops of the apples. Carefully spoon out the inside of the apples, being careful not to puncture the peels.

Mix the spooned out apples with sugar, cinnamon and salt. Place mixture into hollowed out apples. 

Roll pie dough and slice in 1/4” strips. Lattice strips on each apple. 
Place in 8x8 dish (or smaller) and bake covered for 20 minutes at 375 degrees. Bake another 20 minutes uncovered.

This pie-spired package is a great treat to share.
Hope you share with a neighbor soon!

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