Sunday, October 12, 2014

Salted Honey Pie - Week 39

Thin slice of honey sweetness topped with salt.

The process that honeybees go through to make this sweetened sticky treat is fascinating. 

About 5 years ago, we got an up close experience with the magic of bees. Apparently we had a group of bees that decided to reside in our pine tree. Within a few hours their residence turned into a large party.

Thankfully, our neighbors had connections with someone that could take care of the problem. He sat a box underneath the branch. He gave the branch a quick shake, and the bees fell into his box. He let the bees get comfortable in their new home for another hour and then took them away with him.  Since then, we've had a couple more bee incidents in the neighborhood especially in early summer.
But as long they can get relocated, it is all good in the neighborhood.

If you like the taste of honey, you'll surely love this sweet pie that is topped with some sea salt for balance.

1 bottom pie crust – baked
½ cup butter, melted
¾ cup sugar
2 T. cornmeal
¼ t. salt
¾ cup honey
3 eggs
½ cup cream
2 t. white vinegar
1 t. vanilla
Sea salt


Combine melted butter with sugar, ¼ t. salt, and cornmeal to make a thick paste. Add the honey, vanilla and vinegar and mix together. Fold in the eggs, add the cream and blend. Pour

the filling into a pre-baked pie shell and bake at 350 degrees for 45-60 minutes. The filling will puff up like a marshmallow and the center will be just slightly wobbly. Once cooled (at least one hour), finish with a sprinkling of sea salt.

Do you have a favorite way to eat honey?

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