Friday, June 13, 2014

Summer Strawberry Sour Cream Pie - Week 21

Fresh strawberries are the first glimpse of summer. We can be assured that late sunsets, fireflies and water sprinklers will be just a few things we can celebrate.  

Who doesn't like to remember their lazy summers of youth when you could sleep in and feel the cool breeze of the fan in the mornings before you would crawl out of bed to take part in household activities like putting laundry on the clothesline or helping in the garden by pulling weeds out of the cool morning soil. On your way inside for lunch from the garden, you would need to wash off your legs and feet, also taking a long cool drink straight from the garden hose. After lunch, when the sun was overhead and it was about too hot to do anything else, you would either head off to the swimming pool or run through the lawn sprinkler.  At the end of the afternoon, we knew it was time to head home when we could see people coming home from work because supper would be served soon. Sometimes if you were lucky, the smell of a grilled hamburger was finding us in our secret shaded tree forts signaling that someone's name would soon be called out  for mealtime. Fresh garden cucumbers & onions, large thick slices of tomatoes, fresh cooked green beans, and buttery ears of corn are just a few of the dishes that you could expect multiple times each week once the garden started producing through the summer. 

However, the strawberries were one of the first treats of summer. Maybe, you were even fortunate enough to have your own prized patch. The first strawberries that turned red were usually ate before they even left the patch by anxious gardeners. Soon there would be enough to pick a whole pail of ruby red strawberries to make a dessert for everyone. They would be all different shapes and sizes. Some would have a few spots that would have to be cut off, but it would not take long to get so many that your pail was overflowing and you had hopes that you were finished with your task. There was always a chance, you could be sent back out with an empty pail.

Enjoy your summer with the tastes of Summer Strawberry Sour Cream Pie.

Single Crust Pastry
1 quart fresh strawberries
1 cup flour
1-1/4 sugar
Dash salt
1 cup sour cream (not fat free)

Hull and wash strawberries. Slice them in half. Set aside.Sift flour, sugar and salt. In a large mixing bowl. Add sour cream, blending until creamy. Gently fold in berries. Pour into shell and spread without packing. Bake 10 minutes at 450 degrees. Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool 4-5 hours. Serve with whip cream or ice cream.

Summers are especially fun for us because we have birthdays in June, July and August with an anniversary too. This time it was Daniel's birthday so I stuck 12 candles on his birthday pie and sang happy birthday to him before his friends and the family enjoyed a slice of pie with some birthday ice cream.

What is your favorite sign of summer?

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