Tuesday, July 21, 2015

After the Pie Challenge....

A different pie of the week is not as extensive as you would think....there are still pies that were undiscovered!

Whew! What a year!
I learned much about pies, and even much more about myself. I really need to learn to say "no" to myself. I have lots and lots of ideas that go through my head, but I need to limit myself to projects that are more short-term and not such a commitment.  During the year, I found myself burdened with the fact there was always a pie that needed shopped for, prepared, pictured, and blogged.  I love baking, photographing, creating, and even sharing my thoughts; just not on a schedule. 

A portion of the 6 foot calendar that contained the pie plan.

Whenever someone would come to our home during the year, they would see my "pie board" displayed in our dining room taking up a full wall. It was entertaining to watch their reactions while they processed the display. I could tell that they thought I was a little crazy even though they usually said something encouraging.

All said and done, I believe I made around 100 pies throughout the year. I tried to "pie it forward" on most pies so I would make a duo. I also tried to make as many bonus pies as I could. Then sometimes, I would need to make extras for potlucks and other dinners. 

Pies that didn't make the cut.

Unfortunately, there were many pies that didn't make the cut. Some didn't even make it to the pie board. And some were on the pie board and then removed after I just didn't make the time to make them.  I found that there are enough pies to make a different one for each day of the year. So, I eliminated some that were similar to others; for instance I didn't make a basic pecan pie even though I made a Kentucky Bourbon Pecan and Cinnamon Bun Pecan. 

America's favorite pie is the Apple Pie; I made several different variations, but I could have a whole year's of Apple Pie. I didn't get to try the Apple Pie with Cheddar crust or the cheesecake apple pie. And there are even more apple pie-spired recipes available too. The list is endless with apple pie poke cake, apple pie martini, or apple pie pecan cinnamon rolls.

One of the things that I enjoyed most was hearing other people's pie stories. A couple of ladies baked pies that had never baked a pie before. I heard more stories of people's favorite pies. I also received letters from family that contained recipes and stories.

Phyllis had sent me The Pie Lover's Guide from Everywoman's September 1957 issue. It contained some interesting pies and I especially enjoyed reading some of the verbage. It added a "To do it with ease, allow:" to each recipe. It was generous with its time, which is nice helping you to plan ahead. Times averaged about an hour for preparation. I had hoped by the end of the year  that I would be able to pop out a pie in minutes, but I found that I still averaged an hour for each pie. 

A Pie Lover's Guide from a magazine from the 50's.

I also spent some time shopping for pie inspiration items. I found some great kitchen tools, fun plates for displaying pie, and vintage cookbooks. My antique collection grew as the year continued because I had a reason to buy items that I never could justify before.  

A cookbook for the 20th Century Bride from the year 1930.

 I spent much time doing some serious pie-search. Studying recipes, techniques, and other ideas to keep the year versatile. In addition to the pie board, I had a pile of books, papers, and other items that I tried to keep under control throughout the year. I am glad to finally have put my stuff away and not have an eternal pile of pie info.

My biggest hurdle was the simple fact that I am not a natural writer. So, I had a difficult time putting all of my thoughts into words. It took me an extremely long time to finish up the blog, and then I kept on thinking of things that I missed throughout my pie challenge year. I could go on and on, but I think I will stop here.

I hope my blog will pie-spire you to try something and challenge yourself.I would love to continue to hear your pie stories.

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