Sunday, February 2, 2014

Shaker Lemon Pie - Week 6

For all you Lemon Lovers out there, this is your pie!

This is a perfect pie for winter when large tasty lemons are available in the markets.  This pie seems to have originated from the Shaker communities in Ohio and is about as simple and straightforward as you can get in a pie as compared to a traditional more complex lemon cream pies. 

Since you include the rinds in the pie, it does have a marmalade quality. 

You do have to plan ahead and slice your lemons the night before paper-thin. (I wish I could have sliced them even thinner than what I did; maybe, a slicer could have worked better) And then, let them soak overnight in 2 cups of sugar.  

1 Double Pastry Pie Crust
2 Large Lemons
2 cups Sugar
1 t. Salt
4 Eggs, well beaten
1 t. Vanilla

Slice lemons paper thin, leaving rind on and removing seeds. Add sugar & salt and let stand overnight. Stir the beaten eggs and vanilla into lemon mixture and pour into bottom shell. Place top crust on and cut several vents. Bake 15 minutes at 450 degrees. Reduce heat to 375 degrees and bake for an additional 20 minutes until knife comes out clean.

This pie was tasty, however if you don't LOVE your lemons; you may want to leave it for the lemon lovers. It is very strong; so one small slice will satisfy you. My husband actually thought it would be good to use oranges in it rather than the lemons. Let me know if you try that instead.

Have a pie-tastic time making this pie!

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